American Academy of Pediatricshttps://www.aap.org/
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity
Дополнительно опубликована краткая версия руководства. Перевод основных положений руководства представлен здесь.
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American College of Rheumatologyhttps://www.rheumatology.org/
2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis
Краткое изложение руководство приведено в разделе Новости.
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Опубликовано краткое изложение руководства на русском языке
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Management of Thyroid Eye Disease: A Consensus Statement by the American Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association
Опубликован перевод ключевых положений консенсуса.
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Перевод основных тезисов руководства представлен здесь.
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Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)https://kdigo.org/
KDIGO 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline for Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease
Обновление документа, выпущенного в 2020 г. Также на сайте общества опубликованы дополнительные материалы к руководству.
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American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)https://asmbs.org/
2022 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO): Indications for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
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The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)https://gastro.org/
AGA Clinical Practice Guideline on Pharmacological Interventions for Adults With Obesity
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Automated Insulin Delivery: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations. A Consensus Report of the Joint Diabetes Technology Working Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and the American Diabetes Association
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Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
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Evaluation and Management of Hypoparathyroidism Summary Statement and Guidelines from the Second International Workshop
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